Castrum Fortuna

A fortified city to be restored

The Garlean Restoration

Located to the outskirts of the Garlean heartland of Ilsebard, this Castrum's former inhabitants had been driven mad by the ploy of the Telophoroi and left most critical military infrastructure unusable. Now reclaimed by a section of the Imperial Army under Cassia sas Laevina, the Tribunus has taken over and intents to rebuild it and turn it into a thriving town. To make this project succeed, the need for soldiers as well as civilian elements is required and of course the assistance from Eorzea, but we shall see how long their charity will last.Once the Castrum starts to generate surplus supplies, all will go to the capital of Garlemald and its people.

Our Work

This venue is hopefully one of many that will appear in the future. A collection of locations where Garlean venues can exist and provide a roleplay scene for Garleans and those interested in interacting with them in a post-war setting.The Castrum is open to citizens and allies of Garlemald, Eorzeans without proper reasoning may be turned away from entering due to the political climate.

Location List

Castrum Fortuna:
[Chaos], Sagittarius, Empyreum, Ward 22, Plot 12
Regula Arena:
[Chaos], Omega, Empyreum, 30, Plot 39

Thank You

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Cassia at Raya#2074 Discord.